Academics at Holly Grove
At Holly Grove Christian School, children are provided Christ-centered academics of the highest standard, establishing the framework for an excellent education. As one of the premier private Christian schools in Maryland, Holly Grove prepares students intellectually, spiritually, socially and relationally to meet their responsibilities in life, stressing God’s Word as the center of each child’s life.
We believe that academic and spiritual excellence are not mutually exclusive, and that high standards and reasonable expectations work hand in hand to bring each student to his or her potential.
We believe that all truth is God’s truth, especially in the areas of history, science, mathematics, language and the arts. Our focus is intended to promote a program of academic excellence while developing Godly character in our students. With Scripture as our ultimate authority, we trust we can make a difference in the lives of our students who will go on to impact the society in which we live.
It is our goal to produce well-rounded students who understand their value to our Creator and to encourage children to do their best in every academic area to the glory of God.
Prekindergarten (K4)
Pre-Kindergarten at Holly Grove Christian School offers developmentally appropriate learning experiences to meet student needs in all domains (language, cognitive, physical and social/emotional) in a loving and stimulating environment.
Classes incorporate sound educational curriculum with plenty of experiential play to keep the Pre-K student motivated to learn and develop. In addition, students are challenged to develop a deeper awareness that they are image bearers of the God who loves them.
This Pre-Kindergarten preparatory program for four-year old students is designed to meet the needs of the students academically while providing the social/emotional aspect that is unique to students in this age range. A curriculum is used that aligns with our Kindergarten curriculum, allowing for a smooth transition for students moving from one level to the next.
Excellence in Academics at Holly Grove - Private Christian Schools in Maryland
Kindergarten (K5)
Kindergarten-age children are finding new importance in relationships outside of their families. They are interested in exploring their relationship with God as well. They learn stories, songs, and Bible verses telling of God’s love and concern for them and others.
They have opportunities to develop friendships with other children through playtimes and classroom activities. Their school experience is broadened by participation in art, library, and music classes. A full-time teacher’s aide works with the classroom teacher to help the students have a happy and productive year.
Academically, our kindergarten program is wonderfully supported by our thorough Pre-K program. The students are ready to make huge strides in their learning. The phonetic reading method is used to help children read words, sentences and stories proficiently by the end of the year.
The kindergarten program is purposeful in preparing students for the challenge of first grade. Students have daily practice with manuscript handwriting and learn age-appropriate math concepts through hand-on activities. Games, activities, and contests along with bookwork use a variety of modalities addressing needs of different types of learners.
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Elementary school
The Elementary School program at Holly Grove Christian School provides a strong foundation for first through sixth graders in a safe, caring environment where students are instructed in a program that provides academic excellence while also preparing them to live God honoring lives.
Surrounded by a community of teachers who share a love for Christ, the elementary years are a time for children to continue to grow in their faith. Students are taught a broad overview of the Bible with emphasis on different areas at each grade level. Through Bible and chapel lessons, students are encouraged to focus on various Christian character qualities.
The elementary program at Holly Grove strives to have a strong focus on math, reading, and language arts. Reading and language arts instruction is rooted in a phonics-based philosophy.
In addition, beginning in grade one, we offer on-grade and above-grade level math instruction. Our spiral math curriculum continually reviews, reinforces and builds upon concepts as the school year progresses.
Middle School
The middle school years might be the most critical time in your child’s development. As young people move toward greater independence, peer pressure becomes tremendous. As they begin to make their faith their own, your children begin to question almost everything. Imagine going through this period of development surrounded by a community of teachers and friends who share a love for Christ.
Holly Grove Christian School’s Middle School program provides seventh and eighth graders a strong academic program and other activities like clubs and field trips.
Spiritual Life Daily Bible classes and weekly chapels teach scriptural principles and development of good character.
Missions Trips Eighth graders participate in mission trips with the high school, where they are challenged to deepen their Christian faith and to minister to others in need of salvation and encouragement.
Competitive Sports All middle school students can try out for and play on competitive sports teams, including volleyball, soccer, basketball, archery, softball, and baseball.
High School
During high school, there are high expectations from teachers for students to produce academic excellence. Students take advanced coursework like Honors, AP, and dual college enrollment classes, led by qualified and experienced faculty.
High school students attend weekly chapels and can also participate in small groups. The chapels and small groups are geared towards challenging students toward sincere discipleship and service with the goal of transforming lives and living God-honoring lives.
Art, Drama, and Music and sports help to give our high school students a well-rounded education.
Sports teams available include field hockey, volleyball, soccer, softball, basketball, archery, cheerleading, and baseball.
A 9th-12th grade Student Council plans certain school-wide events, helping to develop a sense of responsibility and ownership for the school community. As the student council serve their fellow students, they gain experience in leadership skills they will need for their future.
All high school students complete at least 80 hours of community service by the time they graduate.
The Curriculum Committee is dedicated to providing Holly Grove students with the best texts and courses possible. Subjects are reviewed on a rotating basis, assuring that our texts are up to date and in line with the scope and sequence for each academic area. Elective courses may vary slightly from year to year based on the faculty available.
Select a subject area below to browse course descriptions.
Online Courses
Get A Head Start on College
HGCS offers qualified Juniors and Seniors the opportunity to get a head start on college through Dual Enrollment. Students who qualify will be able to enroll in semester-long courses from a variety of institutions, including Salisbury University, Wor Wic Community College and various Christian colleges and universities. These courses are generally offered at significant savings on tuition.
Save Money On College Tuition
Students who accumulate college credit while in high school save money on college tuition because of the reduced cost per credit hour. In addition, the overall cost of college can potentially be reduced because the student requires fewer college credits (time) to complete their degree program. Studies show that college students who enter college with credits already awarded are more likely to complete their undergraduate program in the prescribed four-year timeframe.
College Credit without AP Testing
Students receive a transcript from the college/university for credit-hours upon successful completion of each course. (Transferable to other colleges/universities in most cases. Please check with admissions at the college/university of choice to verify how the credits will transfer into their program.)
Students are required to have their own laptop/tablet, headphones and internet access.
The HGCS requirements are outlined in the Student Handbook under "Independent Study."
Students may not replace HGCS required classes with online versions; we provide this service as an opportunity to take a wider variety of classes.
Learn More
Contact the school guidance counselor today to learn more about HGCS College Credit Connection:
Mrs. Scarborough (cscarborough@hgcsweb.com)
The Arts
At Holly Grove Christian School, we take pride in our vibrant arts program, which is a cornerstone of our commitment to nurturing creativity and talent.
Our award-winning choir is a shining example of vocal excellence, captivating audiences with their harmonious performances.
Our talented drama department brings stories to life on stage, showcasing the exceptional acting skills of our students.
Additionally, our visual arts program inspires students to create stunning masterpieces, reflecting their artistic expression and creativity.
Whether in music, drama, or visual arts, our students consistently demonstrate the dedication and passion that define our school's artistic community.
Choral music at Holly Grove Christian School has a long tradition of musical excellence. Music plays a very important role in the lives of the students at Holly Grove. Our mission is to glorify God by instilling in our students a love of music, an appreciation for beauty as expressed through music, and developing the God-given talents of each student. Through community involvement, musicianship skills, and a focus on faith, these students have ministered through music to countless individuals.
Their stewardship in the surrounding areas along the Eastern Shore of MD and VA, along with high expectations, has allowed them to develop a strong sense of camaraderie within our choirs. They consistently receive superior and excellent ratings at both district and state festivals, and are chosen for invitational choral competitions and performances along the east coast. Holly Grove Christian School is also a member of the Tri-M Music Honor Society, which focuses on creating leaders in music education and music advocacy.
Honors Choir
The Holly Grove Christian School High School Choir is an auditioned choir made up of 65 singers from grades 9-12. They have performed and ministered in music throughout the Eastern Shore, across the state of Maryland, and in Pennsylvania, Delaware, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, West Virginia and Virginia.
The High School Choir has:
been the back-up Choir for Michael W. Smith “Hallelujah Tour” Salisbury, Maryland (internationally-known artist)
performed (by audition) at Camden Yards for the Baltimore vs. the Boston Red Sox
performed for the Washington Wizards Vs. Philadelphia 76’ers at the MCI center
earned superior ratings (multiple years) in performance and sight-reading at the ESCDA Regional Choral Festival for public and private schools
participated in the Maryland State Choral Festival at Morgan State University multiple times
given music assemblies and/or chapel services in schools in Virginia, West Virginia, Tennessee, Maryland, Delaware, Pennsylvania, New York and New Jersey.
performed in the MAGI Choral Festival to raise money for the homeless and less fortunate of our region (over one million dollars raised in 15 years by this annual concert).
sang in a TV broadcast Christmas Program in over 400,000 homes over the past nine years
been awarded 1st Place in the Pocomoke Christmas Parade and the Crisfield Christmas Parade
been awarded best overall Choir at Six Flags, NJ, Busch Gardens, and Hershey Park
performed in many of the churches throughout the Delmarva Peninsula
assisted many community organizations in raising financial support
Junior High Choir
The Junior High Choir is open to all 7th and 8th grade students. This choir has repeatedly received superior ratings at the ESCDA Choral Festival participation with all the public schools in the region. They have won first place in the Mountaire Farms Gospel Talent Search and 1st and 2nd place trophies at the annual Busch Gardens Music in the Parks. They have ministered in many churches throughout Delmarva.
Youth Choir
The Youth Choir includes all 4th, 5th, and 6th, grade students. This choir performs annually at our Christmas concert. They have won first place at the Busch Gardens Music Festival and have performed in many churches in the region. Students learn basic notation including notes, rests, time signatures, and note placement on both treble and bass clef staves.
Brittany Lewis is the Music/Choral Director for grades 4-12. She also teaches general music courses for grades 7 and 8, as well as a Music Appreciation course-open to grades 9-12. She joined the staff of Holly Grove in 2016. She has studied musical education and choral directing at the University of MD Eastern Shore, where she was also the Jazz Band Vocalist for two years.
Before coming to Holly Grove, Brittany taught both piano and voice privately for six years. She is also currently the director of the adult choir at Salem United Methodist Church in Pocomoke, where she has been directing for six years. She has performed in many concerts on the Eastern Shore singing her first passion: Southern Gospel music. She enjoys ministering to others through music and likes to share her testimony, hoping that it will bring others to Christ. She is also a soprano and sings classical opera. Brittany is a member of the Maryland Music Educators Association as well as the Eastern Shore Choir Directors Association.
You can reach her at blewis@hgcsweb.com
Field Trips
Learning experiences beyond the classroom can often be among the most valuable experiences a student will enjoy and remember. Field trips are an integral part of our curriculum. All of our field trips have curricular significance, and there is an instructional focus for the students. Parents are often asked to accompany the students as chaperones or as visitors on these trips.
Holly Grove’s experiential learning program starts in Pre-K and expands over time. A few examples of current class field trips include:
Pre-K Pumpkin Patch
Kindergarten Discovery Center, Salisbury Zoo
First Grade Ward Museum, Salisbury Zoo, Christmas Caroling, DC Zoo / VA Beach Aquarium (alternating years)
Second Grade Furnace Town, VA Beach Aquarium / DC Zoo (alternating years)
Third Grade Shad Landing, Mt. Vernon / Annapolis (alternating years)
Fourth Grade Deal Island Reserve, YMCA Water Safety, Marva Theatre, Annapolis / Mt. Vernon (alternating years)
Fifth Grade MD Science Center / Smithsonian Museums (alternating years)
Sixth Grade Smithsonian Museums / MD Science Center (alternating years)
Middle School National Aquarium in Baltimore, Nauticus in Norfolk, Antietam and Gettysburg Battlefields, Smithsonian Museums, DC Zoo
High School Philadelphia, Arlington National Cemetery, Bible Museum, American History Museum, Holocaust Museum, Mount Vernon
Spiritual Life at Holly Grove
At HGCS, we endeavor to:
bring students to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ
teach students to be well grounded in the Word of God
help students develop a Biblical worldview to deal with issues
equip students to defend their faith and be an effective witness
encourage students to develop Christian character
Elementary school chapels are held once every other week. Middle school and high school chapels are held once a week, with a 3-day spiritual emphasis chapel at the beginning of every school year. Local pastors and teachers speak to the students in chapel. Chapels are geared towards salvation messages as well as messages geared towards strengthening the faith of students who have trusted the Lord as their savior. Worship in chapel is led by students.
Some teachers and some seniors are involved in mentoring students. The purpose of these mentoring groups is to disciple our students so they can live God-honoring lives. Groups are made up of 6-8 students. Mentoring takes place during students’ lunch times.
Missions Trips
Cross-cultural missions trips take place every other year. The purpose of our missions trips is for students to share their faith, minister to the needs of others, and to grow in their faith. Students also get to see how others less fortunate than them live, helping them realize how blessed they are, sometimes changing their perspective on what life is all about. 8th through 12th grade students are eligible to go on missions trips.